The Real Inspector Hound a one-act play by Tom Stoppard The plot follows two theatre critics named Moon and Birdboot who are watching a ludicrous setup of a country murder mystery. While the story is set in a theatre, the play within the play is set in Muldoon Manor, a lavish manor surrounded by “desolate marshes” and “treacherous swamps” and paradoxically also located near a cliff. It is a direct parody of Agatha Christie’s “closed” settings in which no one can enter or leave, so the characters know that the murderer must be one of them. Described by critics as a timeless farce and hilarious.
The play is running for three weeks and starts with a Premiere on the 5th of April. The dates for performances are 6th and 7th, 13th and 14th, 19th, 20th and 21st of April. Book now and don’t miss out.