Sunshine Valley Gazette :
Maleny Players made Xmas special for my son I’ve been to the last three Maleny Players Christmas pantomimes because they’re small informal productions and are more accessible for my son. He is eight and is autistic. Attending the theatre is very difficult for us. He finds the unpredictability of movies, books, and particularly of the theatre frightening, which makes him very anxious. For this reason I usually don’t take him to shows for fear of wasting money on something he’s likely to walk out of after just a few minutes. The first two years he only managed to watch small parts of the play, but really enjoyed sitting in the foyer talking to the actors while they waited for their turn to go on stage. I think the friendliness of the cast has made a huge difference to him, because this year, with the help of his earmuffs to soften the noise and with both me and my sister as support people, he managed to stay calm enough to sit through the entire two acts of the play. At one point, during a scene where the characters chased each other across the stage, he started laughing and didn’t stop for a good few minutes! It was such a joy to hear him enjoying himself so publicly, and to give him the rare opportunity to appreciate a story line from beginning to end. Thank you so much Maleny Players for making our Christmas so special! — Name supplied, Maleny
“On Friday night I had the pleasure of seeing Simon Denver's SECRETS at the Maleny Playhouse performed in a 'Kabaret' style by The Maleny Players.
The performance opened with all players on stage, setting the momentum for a wonderful performance. Asking the question, "Do you want to know a secret". First scene. a married couple of many years. Very interesting and delightful. The whole evening went smoothly and was slick. It was pleasant and most enjoyable to the very end. Music was well performed by several talented musicians.
The standout for me was The Highwayman. The performer was focused and emotive and hardly blinked during this performance. Impeccable timing needed for this piece and that's what the audience got. Perfect to the end.
Audience participation kept the room lively and involved. Simon Denver wrote, produced and directed Secrets. No surprise as the Denver family has a great history in theatre. It was brilliant and should be performed again. I can't recommend it highly enough.
This piece would be well received by a younger audience”