Join on-line
If you would like to become a member of the Maleny Players the annual membership allows you to vote at the AGM, and to participate in our performances.
You can pay cash, cheque or on-line as below:
The annual fee as below, is due on the 1st of May each year. Membership applications after the 1st January will be pro-rata to the end of the year on the 30th of April.
Adults: $25
Students under 18 years: $10
Family: $45
Account Name: Maleny Amateur Drama Group
BSB: 124 081
Account number: 21889212
Ref: surname Membership
Please print or download the attached membership form and pay either by EFT (as per membership form) or pay your membership fees at any Maleny Players event, performance, AGM or play reading.
Please complete the details on the membership form and forward by email to or hand it to any committee member.
Download membership form PDF or Word (Below) Note the Word will go straight to your download to enable you to complete and forward to