Home Truths  Though quite diverse, all relate to the theme of home, meaning not just a physical structure but an emotional ‘safe haven’.  


The experiences of two couples in different countries alternate on the same set:  the interior of a half-ruined, rubble-strewn mansion.  In Australia, Ken and Judy’s restoration project is being filmed for a Grand Designs-type TV show.  Somewhere in the Middle East Hasan and Jala take refuge in a house wrecked by shelling.  (Probably in Syria a few years ago when ISIS was on the rampage.)   They cling to shreds of hope, while the Australians achieve their dream only to find discontent.  There are multiple ironic parallels between the two couples.   

 2M 2F (early ‘50s-late 60s)  Male TV war reporter 20’s-40’s  TV show host M or F   25 – 55.


Two teenage girls running away from home are given shelter by a kindly senior couple in a farmhouse. They are invited to stay on and discover they are living in a commune run by a sinister cult.   A blend of Girls’ Own Adventure, comedy and political allegory which considers whether it is worth sacrificing freedom for the promise of security and contentment.  It’s about the seductive appeal of a false home.

Female:  2 mid-teens;  1 middle-aged;  1 senior

Male:  1 mid-teens  1 senior; 1 20-60


A single mum is making a turtle costume for her 10 year-old daughter’s school play when her latest boyfriend drops a casual bombshell; then her estranged mother turns up, re-opening old wounds.  A sensitive play about the bonds and conflicts between generations, about leaving home and finding the right home.  It makes use of metaphor.

Female:    1   60s-70s; 1 late 20’s-mid 30’s;  1 girl about 10

Male:  1   Late 20s-30s 

The play will be performed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 26-28 July and 2-4  August
