Club 88+

Club 88+

Club 88+ is the new name for the successful Maleny Players’ subgroup Club 88, which was created in 2023 by Jill Morris and Astrid Ainsworth, gathering a group of mature and older members to develop drama, music and short plays expressing experiences of ageism and frustration – as well as the humorous side of feeling young while being considered old.

The next Club 88_meeting will be at The Playhouse theatre on Thursday September 5th. 

We will be discussing ideas for a show in 2025: trying first drafts of entertaining, true monologues about memorable moments from long, interesting lives; also reading two- and three-handers for potential actors, to gather feedback. Comedy where possible – but at least heart! We have all been jotting ideas on paper to try out on fellow actors and take away to improve. Finding written works, poems, songs etc that fit the positive messages of change.

New ideas from new members and visitors are always welcome! 

Meet at 10am – 12noon for a convivial cup of tea or coffee and a nibble to share.

Club 88+ is the last activity on the planet that is FREE

Note: Although three of us are 88. ………..Some are much younger! 

PHONE Jill Morris to RSVP or ask questions! 0427 624 090