We are a long-established amateur dramatic society which stages three or four large productions each year.  Also  one-act plays, variety shows and usually a family pantomime or similar at Christmas.  

We cater for different tastes and enthusiasms.  Our members are drawn from a wide area.  There are opportunities for both experienced performers and complete novices.  The Christmas shows typically have a large cast including children—sometimes with their parents on stage as well.

As well as traditional staples of amateur theatre, we are interested in innovative productions that reflect contemporary life.  Some of our material is written locally.  We welcome  guest directors and other Theatre Companies to perform their plays.

Play Readings are held regularly.  Currently there are two series of play readings running in parallel.  One group meets on the last Friday morning of the month at the playhouse and another on the second  Saturday evening at 5.30pm. Participants take turns to read parts in a play, with a wide variety of scripts used.  The Friday group devotes more time to analysis of chosen plays, with more structured discussion.  These are relaxed and friendly social occasions with refreshments; anyone can come at any time; and no-one has to read a part if they prefer not to.  A donation of $5 to cover costs is appreciated.

Club 88 + 

Club 88+ is the new name for the successful Maleny Players’ subgroup Club 88, which was created in 2023 by Jill Morris and Astrid Ainsworth, gathering a group of mature and older members to develop drama, music and short plays expressing experiences of ageism and frustration – as well as the humorous side of feeling young while being considered old.

Stages a variety show including monologues from personal experience (especially World War II), affected and entertained to sell-out crowds in February 2024.  Three 88-year-olds in the extended cast were joined by younger members of the Players from a range of generations. ‘Stages’ was directed by Ross Hurwood. 

The vibrant new Club 88+ group have decided to move on into still more fascinating true stories, more original drama, more music and more humour, heading for a performance weekend sometime in 2025. 

The group  meets at the Playhouse from 10am-12noon on the first Thursday morning of the month.  New members are welcome to join in the development of new ideas.

Phone Jill Morris on 0427 624 090. 


Workshops in acting and Musical Theatre for adults and children are available during school term time.  Please contact Susie on;  0417 379 708